
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Don't Fret Pet Hair

Words to live by?
This past weekend, Middle Child invited three of her friends over to work on a school project. And because none of these kids could possibly know what it's like to live in a house with lots of other kids and five pets (and who probably clean their rooms and pick up after themselves without being told), my house got cleaned.

And by cleaned I mean:

  • Two hours before the first visitor arrived, the whole family divided and conquered the "living areas." (The bedrooms were sealed shut and declared off limits.)
  • Piles of "kid" debris got relocated. (To behind closed doors/drawers.)
  • The floor got a quick once-over with the vacuum. (Leaving plenty of pet hair still drifting around.)
  • The largest flat surfaces were dusted. (What kid notices dust anyway?)
  • The guest bathroom was disinfected. (Not exactly sparkling, but at least no one would catch a disease.)
  • The Febreeze vanilla-scented oil warmer was plugged in. (Because the rug smelled like dog.)
  • The Jelly Donut-scented Yankee Candle was lit. (As a distraction.)

And it was good enough.

Except that it wasn't, because I was compelled to make a sign, saying:

"Don't Fret Pet Hair"

Ironic, considering I'm the one who's doing the fretting. :)

Why would someone fret our hair, dude?
Good question, boys. :)


  1. Ha ha ha! I need that sign here! You could sell them on Etsy and make a killing!

  2. LOL! That's a great sign! I could use one of those. It reminds me of a mug I saw somewhere on the internet that said "Dog hair makes it taste better." ;]

  3. Sometimes I think that the vacuum just blows it all around the house ;) Too funny!

  4. rug that smells like dog with a vanilla hints ? my kinda thing =D

  5. Why, you're even worse than me. At least I only worry about tradesmen coming over. What kiddie notices dust? Don't they make them? (Excuse me if I err. I have zero knowledge of children.)

  6. You probably could have gotten the kids to help clean up :)

  7. I live with a neat freak, and Wilson and Jimmy's hair drives him nuts! He's gone so far as to vacuum again right after I did it! Now, I try to keep a fairly neat house (pretty easy w/o kids), but that's going too far!

    A favorite quote of mine:

    A Clean House is the Sign of a Wasted Life!

  8. I need this sign in my house, barn, and car LOL

  9. Oh the dog hair. Those of us who love and have furfamily seem to accept it all but when a guest comes over and finds dog hair on the is embarrassing at the time. No guest here an none of us make a big deal. Pull the hair off and continue eating!

    I should put a sign like that up here...because with Tucker, I know he will be shedding tumble weeds as he gets older.

  10. What a great sign! LOL! I always say you know you have a pet when you have to vacuum pet hair off of your vacuum!

  11. LOL, I have a sign that says "the fur is a part of the ambiance". It makes me feel better, if no one else!

  12. I used to keep one of those little rollers in the car for job interviews. Now, I figure if dog hair is going to cost me the job, it's not a job I want. (Okay, so I am not currently, not do I have any plans to be, interviewing, but still.)
    My house has dogs, so my house has dog hair. If you have a problem with that, you probably shouldn't come to my house.
    I do make an exception for a good friend who loves my dogs but is allergic. She loads up on meds before she comes over and I do extra cleaning. But we're both making an effort, so it doesn't bother me.


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