
Hi, I'm Elizabeth (last name, Keene) in Richmond, VA. I might need a more recent photo.
But then...I'd have to change it on Google+, and Facebook,
and Twitter...so nah.

This blog is a disheveled stack of nonsense humorous and (sometimes) unconventional chronicle of my life with Jon Farleigh and Dewi (my two lively Cardigan Welsh Corgis), Lele (my rickety, mostly toothless, foster-fail chihuahua mix), three (okay, SIX!) rescue cats, a husband and some kids. But really, it's mostly about the dogs...and the cats?

My philosophy: People must break rules in order to keep the lawyers employed.

Words that inspire me:
“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living; it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope."  - Dr. Seuss
 "The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely."  - Oscar Wilde

"You know how when your mother told you to do something, and you had a burning desire to do the exact opposite?" - Me
Character with whom I can most identifyMichigan J. Frog

Images courtesy Warner Bros.


I think "About" pages (especially this one) are corny and (mostly) overblown.
I'm slightly (2.67%) off (as in batty).
The Most Ironic Thing About This About Page:
It freaking won a BlogPaws 2015 Nose-to-Nose Special Certificate for OUTSTANDING ABOUT PAGE! OMG!
(That does NOT mean, however, that I think it any less corny and overblown.)

BlogPaws 2015 Nose-to-Nose Awards Special Certificate badge

Oh, for heaven's sake, FINE! If you must know, NO, I don't look exactly like that sprightly profile photo anymore; I look like this...

...when I have some water sloshing around in my right ear canal and I need to GET IT OUT!
(No, I do not know how the water got in there, and I did NOT give my child permission to video tape me. She also, by the way, has not [expressly] authorized me to post it [the video] here.)

Still want to know more?

Read my interviews at:

Like my writing?

Read more at Richmond Pet Lovers.com:

LilySlim Diet days tickers

This cannot possibly be true, by the way...well, except for the racecar driver part. I might like to be a racecar driver. 

What dog breed are you? I'm a Bulldog! Find out at Dogster.com


  1. How refreshing to see Cardigans rather than Pembrokes! So glad I found you!

  2. Love your blog! I can't wait to read more Cardigan adventures...

  3. blogpaws was right - absolutely the best About page ever! I certainly will follow the Chronicles of Cardigans for my regular dose of smiles.

    1. Elkbee10, THANK YOU and nice to meet you! :D I was floored and am honored that BlogPaws recognized the extreme effort that went into crafting this cockamamie ☺ page (really; it was a huge challenge to summarize what this blog is about). I would love for you to follow along!

  4. Your sense of humor is excellent, can't wait to meet you at BlogPaws.

    1. Haha, thank you! I'm looking forward to meeting you too! And taking comfort in knowing that by the time I do, this pre-conference, not-packed-yet, spazz attack I'm having will be over! ☺

  5. I totally see why you won an award for your About page. Well done! And yes, I smiled throughout the whole page. 😁


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