Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Feline Fix - Eva (The Diva)

I've been thinking about a good way to give my Girls some face time in the blog. Since they don't give me nearly as much writing material as the Boys, I've decided to go the photo route. (Disclaimer: The cats are indoors only and I have a less than stellar point-and-shoot camera; therefore, please do not judge too harshly my photography. Thank you.)
So today, I give you: Friday Feline Fix. If you don't like cats, hmmm, well, I don't hold it against you. :^)

Here's Eva (The Diva) - four-legged Alpha Queen in the land of Cardigan.

I see you.


  1. She looks like royalty! Well, most cats do, don't they? She is very pretty.

  2. Yeah, blows my mind that someone tossed her out with the trash. Oh well, their loss, my gain. :)


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