Monday, October 31, 2011

Who let the brute dogs out?!

Be afraid!

(Took this last week in my own backyard. Creepy, huh?)
There have been casualties!

Mutilated! (Middle Child is devastated.)
Who could have done this?!

I eat you!!!
Why Count Barkula


Blood-and-Gourd Dog, of course!

This is beginning to feel lame.
Get out while you still can!

My affection for you is dwindling.
Don't look back!

Blood-and-Gourd Dog? Seriously?
Happy Halloween!

Reminder! Today is the last day to vote for your favorite Happiness photo and caption!

With only a few votes separating the leaders, it is still anyone's contest to win!


  1. They are some scary pups! (good sports too!)

  2. LOL - their enthusiasm does seem to wane as the picture go on. They are soooo cute.

    Happy Halloween, Dewi, Jon Farleigh and family!

  3. I love their costumes! Those pictures are adorable!

    Rest in pieces, slippers!

  4. The moon photo is magnificent! And spooky!

    Hmm, those innocent little faces surely couldn't have destroyed those slippers? I think Dewi and Jon Farleigh were framed. They look way too cute in their costumes to be capable of such destruction.

  5. They put up with a lot, those pooches of ours! Those two look like they secretly enjoy it.

  6. I love how the expressions on their faces evolve from happy to "get this stupid costume off me now."

  7. Yes, they did destroy the slippers (which, by the way, I think must be made of plastic thread because they were severed so neatly). Anyway, they (dogs) are not so innocent.

    They didn't really mind the get-ups, it was being on the table and the lame treats that they were unhappy with. :)


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