Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How much would you pay for this a week after Christmas?

A local grocery store has a cart bearing a BIG sign that reads "90% OFF" parked conspicuously in front of the checkout aisles.  The cart contains mounds of various candy canes and several bags of "Christmas" Hershey's Kisses.  I need chocolate right now like a gaping wound in my head, but, WHO can pass up a 30-cent, 11-oz bag of kisses?!  The irony is that if they had put a "FREE" sign on the cart, I would've felt too embarrassed to take a bag.  Ugh - I just spent 30 cents for a half pound of "padunka butt" with a side order of guilt. (But, so yummy.)


  1. If it makes you feel any better, I opted for the 90-cent one-pounder of M&Ms the day after Halloween :-)

  2. Just found you... wicked sense of humor... Welcome to blogdom.


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