Friday, October 14, 2011

Happiness is...loud clothing and WINNING GIVEAWAYS!

This sweet, happy doggie might need a quieter outfit. :)

Click here if you can't see the embedded video.
(15-sec ad warning)

(Minus the tranquil pasture background, don't you want to see your treasured pet(s)' photo featured on the blog next week? Did I mention I'm giving away gifts? And a shelter donation?) :)

There's still time to send me your pet's photo and caption!

All submissions received before midnight (Eastern US) tomorrow (9/15) will be accepted.

I will announce the (random) giveaway winner on Monday.
(and then the voting begins...)

Good luck and happy weekend!


  1. Regarding your comment on my cat stories post.....The #1 reason I have no cats is John. He was, unfortunately, raised to dislike them by his mother. But, #2 would be, I've never had a cat that didn't think pissing in the house is OK, and we are not talking in the litter box! I had lots of cats growing up and early adulthood, and they all seemed to delight in peeing around the house.

    As far as antics, personality, and smarts, I think they are great!

  2. Lol, the pup didn't seem at all worried about his outfit:)

  3. I'm so excited to read all the funny captions!

  4. Shoot...just missed it. It's 915 here on the west coast - 15 minutes too late. That is what we get for being out of touch for a couple of weeks. Hope the contest goes well. I am sure you will have too many cute dogs to choose from :)

  5. Cute video! The doggie does seem at all bothered by it! Just having fun! Now that's happiness!


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