Wednesday, February 22, 2012

God, maybe you should've left a little bit of dogs lacking...

...then it wouldn't have to hurt so bad when they've gone.  - Me


I wrote the following post over three years ago, and today, October 27, 2015, I find myself - once again - sitting here heartbroken, having learned from a title in my blog reader, that my friend Sue has lost her beloved Jeffie to Leptospirosis and liver failure at the too-young age of 9. 

Why do reminders about the preciousness of life have to hurt so bad?

Sue, I am so, so sorry for your loss. May you once again find comfort in these words, when your heart is ready.


This morning when I opened my blog, I learned from an ominous title in my blogroll that Lucy B, my friend Sue at Talking Dogs for the Love of a Dog's beloved heart dog of 13 years, had died yesterday. And I was sad.

As the morning progressed, I found my thoughts drifting to two things: my (newly discovered) favorite quote about dogs and Molly, my late heart dog of 15 years. And I smiled a little inside.

So, Sue, although I am dreadfully bad at knowing what to say, I want you to know how sorry I am for your loss, and that one day soon, as the pain relinquishes its grip, I hope you will smile a little bit, too.


Thank you to another blog friend, Melissa, at Darby & Pumpkin Daily, for sharing this quote last week. It is magnificent. 

“God...sat down for a moment when the dog was finished in order to watch it... and to know that it was good, that nothing was lacking, that it could not have been made better.”

Lucy B
June 13, 1997 - February 21, 2012

Joined on October 26, 2015, by her happy canine companion in life...

2006 - 2015

I know Sue appreciates our messages of condolence. If you have time, please consider leaving one on her blog or Facebook page.


  1. That is very sad. I've only dealt secondhand with the loss of one of my childhood cats and my sister's cat and that was quite upsetting. I hope that things brighten soon and she can remember everything good about Lucy.

  2. We didn't know Sue or Lucy, but our hearts are sore just the same. We stopped by to offer a few words of support.

  3. Rest in peace Lucy B and God please heal her owner's broken heart and replace it with a smile of those memories that are hard to forget...

  4. You still miss Molly. I still miss my Cookie who died almost 40 years ago. Sad. Will drop by x

  5. God bless you, Elizabeth! And thanks to all of you. I am what we call around our house - a stone cold mess. Lucy was my shadow and an extension of me. Some day the irony will amuse me - Lucy died of heart failure. I'll be back... too many tears right now. Hug those Corgi butt boys for me.

  6. Thanks for letting us know, Elizabeth. My heart goes out to Sue and her family.

  7. Oh no, things like this always make me cry . . especially since my baby is 13 . . big hugs to Sue and her family :(

  8. Hi Y'all,

    They creep slowly. The mesmerize you with their eyes, their smiles. Like babies they demand our time and attention. Without our knowledge they wedge themselves firmly in our hearts and when they leave they take their share of our heart with them...forever theirs.

    y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  9. How fun to see my blog mentioned here. Thank you. I love that saying by Rilke, although I do think there is one thing lacking about most dogs -- they just don't live long enough.

  10. Very sad news. Thirteen years is just not enough time. It goes by much too fast. My heart goes out to Sue. Lucy B was a very special dog.

    Thanks for sharing the lovely quote. I think it's perfect.

  11. Aww such a hard month for losses. Hugs to Sue.

  12. Very sad news. Our friends are with us for such a short time.

  13. This popped up as suggested reading on your most recent post. so, here I sit crying. Missing my girl and feeling warmed by your kindness. Molly and Lucy B must have met by now... I like that.

  14. And once again I am warmed by your kindness and big heart, Elizabeth. Thank you.


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