Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Classic Cardigan: Jon Farleigh Improvises as a Bumblebee

One year ago almost to the day, in honor of spring, I dressed Jon Farleigh and Dewi up as a bumblebee and butterfly, respectively. It was great fun! (For real.)

And because the same exact flowers and creatures are gracing my garden these days, I though it might be fun to rerun the post in which Jon Farleigh has A LOT to say about his particular "bee" predicament.

So without further ado, from April 26, 2011:

With Captions: The Many Faces of 'Bumblebee' Jon Farleigh

Jon Farleigh immediately regretted having gone
with the spicy burrito from Taco Bell.

"Hey, there; wanna see my stinger?" 

"Ackk ackkk ackk...I gotta stop smokin, man."

 "...la la la la la la la la la la la La...
Figaro Figaro Figaro Figaro FIGARO!!..."

"heh heh...Pull my finger."

Jon Farleigh refused to look at the camera until
his person agreed to refer to him as
"The Harry Hornet."

Jon Farleigh just realized he could have saved 15%
by switching to Geico.

"Psst. I see cat krispies under that rose bush.
Let's eat 'em and then give her a kiss."

"Guess what? I peed in your shoes. Oh, my bad, you don't speak dog." 

Bonus: Double Head-tilt

"Say what? Did she just tell us to do the Macarena?"



P.S. On a personal note, you all rock for reading, and in some cases, re-reading this and other posts on my blog. I am humbled, as ever, for the time you invest in me, my pets and this crazy chronicle of mine.

That said, and some of you might have noticed, I'm having some struggles keeping up with (replying to and leaving) comments. (More on this another day.) But anyway, please know that I am thankful for every note you've left and that I haven't forgotten about you (and if you have a blog, I haven't stopped visiting you; I do visit LOTS of you)!

I will return (to comment land), but in the meantime, thanks for not calling me mean, cable-TV words...or rolling my blog in T.P. :)


  1. Super post!
    I loved all the pictures and captions!
    Kisses and hugs

  2. oh jon XD! can we see you in the more 'glamourous' bumblebee of transformers next?

  3. tee hee hee, funny boys :) I love all of the captions!

    We saw a 6 month old Corgi at the park on Saturday - he was ADORABLE . . Cali paid no attention to the overly cute puppy :( she was NOT impressed.

  4. Oh.... the double head tilt! I'm swooning...

  5. as always, thanks for the early morning smile!

  6. The cuteness in this post is ridiculous! One of the problems with having a larger dog is the lack of costumes available. My next dog is going to be tiny just so I can dress him/her up every day.

  7. I remember that post, cute then and still cute.
    I've not visited you in a while, so you saying about
    comments hit a cord, I've not had the time to go visiting so much and have slowed down on comments. There's just not the time in the day to comment on all the blogs I follow, so I know the feeling. I think fellow blogger's understand
    Have a good week
    See Yea George xxx

  8. there is just something "sexy" about the first photo. Is it the long hair, or the sultry look in his eyes...

  9. Well, since I didn't know what a blog was back when you posted this the first time, let me thank you so much for re-running this one! Happy spring. I'm not sure the dogs are as in to this as you think they are though. ;)

    Agreeing w/George the Lab above when I say, we all know what it's like to need 57.265 hours in a day and being stuck with only 24. Hang in there. We will. :)


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