Monday, May 21, 2012

Bad Folk Songs with Dewi: Her Old Gray Matter, It Ain't What It Used to Be

Featuring Jon Farleigh as backup vocalist

(To the tune of The Old Gray Mare)

Oh, her old gray matter, it ain't what it used to be.
The clock said seven-thirty, but she forgot to feed me.

Her old gray matter, it ain't what it used to be,
And her faculties have started to go.

Mom Person with Old Gray Matter and Missing Faculties
(created at with original art from Hyperbole and a Half)

Her faculties have started to go; her age is starting to show.

Her old gray matter, it ain't what it used to be,
And her faculties have started to go.


A helpful hint for remembering to feed your dog:

Thank you. Have a good day.



  1. LOL - that was great! I live in fear of forgetting to feed the dog. I wish I was kidding. ;)

  2. Too funny :) There is no "forgetting" in this house . .Cali makes sure that she has been fed :) Love the sign!!

  3. Poor Felix gets forgotten on a distressingly frequent basis. Koly eats breakfast first thing, but Felix is fussy. Somedays he wants brekkie at 9 other days he wont eat until noon. And some days? Some days I leave the house to do errands before he decides he's ready. That dog out to come with a "low food" function like my Phone's "low battery" one. Then maybe wouldn't feel like such a jerk.

  4. I can't believe you'd ever need a note. JF and Dewi seem quite capable of standing up for themselves. :)

  5. It's hard to forget to feed my guys...I call them the Kitchen Sharks. Anytime someone goes in the part of the kitchen between the back counter and the island, they start swimming around your legs, getting in the way, giving pathetic glances, etc.

    Although I did forget dinner one night when I only had Wilson. It was about 9pm and I came into the kitchen and there was Wilson, sitting facing the pantry door. He made sure I got the hint!

  6. our Girl Lita, walks over to her bowl and hits, taps it with the Medallions on her collar. Its a ringing noise, sort of like being summoned for dinner by someone royal... thanks for the laugh

  7. Aww, poor pups! They look so malnourished! LOL!


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