Friday, July 13, 2012

The Photo I Wanted to Post Yesterday (had I not fallen asleep at the keyboard)

That's Maddy (aka Maddox) looking out my bathroom window.

Last night at 11 p.m. (when I sat down to compose this post), it (the photo) hadn't been edited yet. Nor did I have a title for the post. And I couldn't put two sentences together, because my eyes were crossing.

About 37 minutes later (as my head accelerated toward the keyboard), I startled awake with a string of drool puddling at my collar bone.

So I went to bed.

In 18+ months and 405 published posts, until yesterday, I had never missed a regular blogging day without telling my readers (you) in advance.

I thought I'd feel horrible about it, but you know what? Lightning didn't strike me down, the Internet didn't cry out in disbelief, and the blog's still here recording my blathering blather.

In an odd way, I feel liberated.

My pajama shirt is also liberated...from drool.

But back to Maddy (in the above photo, which has been heavily doctored -- because my good camera is still at the Nikon factory repair shop -- at

The first time he sat in that window and looked out, he squinted because the sun hurt his eyes. It dawned on me then that the only times, in the years he's been a resident at the shelter, that he's had a window view to the bright outdoors were the few times he's been in foster care.

And my eyes welled up with tears.

A few moments later, Maddy yawned in my face and his dragon breath (from his prescription canned food-only diet) made me clasp my nose and gag.

Then Dewi and Jon Farleigh barged in the room and all hell broke loose.

Well, anyway, the moment was awfully sweet while it lasted.

Maddy is sweet, too, even if his breath could curl paint.

And on that note, I think you all need to have a sweet (not stinky) WEEKEND!


Just one more thing: In 18+ months and 406 posts, I've never taken more than a couple days (here and there) respite from thinking up posts for this blog. I think it's time for me to give my poor, tired and aging brain a break. So (deep breath), I'm taking all FIVE days next week off (that's M-F). Yes, indeed I am.

Unless I get a wild hair and don't, in which case, you should severely chastise me for not sticking to my guns. ;-)

My rested brain will see you soon!


  1. Funny how things can seem one way and turn out to be another, isn't it? Just the pressure you put on yourself, dear. I'm thrilled you're taking time off, yet undeniably saddened, too. Your writing makes my day - every day! So, I'll be unselfish and say enjoy the next five days - I'll be waiting for your return.
    Poor, dear Maddy. That's a long time without sunshine and window whiffing!! Thank heavens he's with you now. Give him a scritch for me, will you please?

  2. That photo of Maddy is so lovely! Enjoy your time off from blogging... you deserve it! Yes, you do!

  3. Love to Maddox and just as well we don't have smell-a-blog! Have a great time off , you deserve some me time and we look forward to you coming back.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. It really does take courage to cut back a little on blogging and enjoy other things in life. Good for you! (We never did as much as we should have, but we quit feeling guilty about it.)

  5. The photo is lovely! He looks like such a sweet boy.

    Take a break! We'll still be here when you get back. :)

  6. Lovely picture.

    Glad to hear you're taking some well-deserved time off. I hope you enjoy all kinds of fun things.

    Drooling at your keyboard was definitely a sign from the universe. Of course, I've read that drool makes your boobs grow. :)

  7. Maddy is adorable! I hope you enjoy your week off - we will miss you :)

  8. Coming off of my own blog-cation, I wish you a happy week off from your own.

    And that is a luverly photo and sentiment. I get your animal lovin' heart, I really do :).

    Thank you for the gift of your blog all year long!


  9. I'm not sure what to say! Thank goodness for re runs.. I'll still be getting my daily dose of the boys through your archives... They too make my day, as do you.
    Fond thoughts to you and your menagerie

  10. That is a beautiful photo of Maddox! Enjoy your time off! :)

  11. Awwww. I must have missed this post when it was timely. But I just had to say awwwwh. I remember when you posted that Maddox was going to be a failed foster. At that time, I wondered what would have made Maddox so special that you would keep another cat. (Yes, this really did happen. I remember it clearly, and that doesn't happen so often that I would forget. What did I just say? I am falling asleep in my own drool. You know what I mean? I know that you do because I just read about it. Insane rambling... But I have an excuse, I took morphine a short while ago...perhaps I should delete... Rebecca & LMPP


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