Thursday, April 18, 2013

An Insider's Tip for Getting Cute Videos of Your Pets: Make Your Kid Send You the Ones She Took with Her Phone


<> When I say "insider," I mean me.
<>  If you don't "have" a kid, feel free to hire one; they're usually up for it.
<>  If you do use your "own" kid (however, whatever you do), do NOT ask them to take the videos for you. No, this would, in fact, be perceived as a chore (e.g. scrubbing the toilet bowl), resulting in belligerent glances and eye-rolls, and most likely, crappy videos. Which unfortunately means that this tip is only relevant (when depending on your "own" kid) if that kid already routinely takes video of your pets for fun. 

So to clarify: the tip is to MAKE your child send all of them (the videos they already took for fun - without being asked) to you (which, frankly, might also result in some belligerent glances and eye-rolls; however, too bad, because you can threaten to take the phone away).

And now that we're all on the same page, I just scored (from Middle Child) a bunch of adorable (and funny) home videos of my pets (mostly Dewi and a couple of the kitten, and my giant shelter cat, Maddox)!

There are six in all, including a reprise of Dewi's wookiee (yes, that's the correct spelling) impersonation. You can view them all HERE at the blog's YouTube channel.

But for those who'd rather be spared the trip to the tube, here's a sampling:

Here, let me help you get your hand out from under the blanket...

Maddox's purr sounds like he's under water...

Dewi does wookiee (reprise)...

Also, Dewi might have a touch of cray-cray. ;)

One last thing about our YouTube channel: 


Actually, it's a playlist of 17 tunes/music videos that appear as external source audio accompaniment somewhere on the blog! Elvis Presley, Van Morrison, James Brown, Bob Marley, The Beatles, The Muppets (and the list goes on)...


Have I mentioned that you all rock for being here? :)


  1. Loving the soundtrack. Why didn't I think of that before? Mine will include The Monkees ... be ready.

  2. Pawsome soundtrack. LOL the videos. I seldom make a sound unless I am barking a tune. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Cute videos! I would love to have a cat for the purring alone. (But I am allergic...)

    The first one is so funny - we do the same thing with Rita. We call it "Blanket Monster." She's not vocal like that, but she pounces and attacks the "monster." If I take my hand out, she's like "Oh. I didn't realize."

  4. LOL! I believe you must be a very smart teenager to outwit a mom as clever as you. Well done Obiwan. Well done.

    I have to say my favorite is the Wookie video. Made me smile. Silly Dewi.

  5. Too funny, I love Dewi's bark-talking! :) And Maddox looks so peaceful sleeping, so sweet!

  6. Fun videos! That is just about the happiest cat I've ever seen!


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