Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tacky Cardigan With Words on It: Mixed Messages

Incidentally (or perhaps, ironically), it came to me in the shower...

And to think that all this time, I'd been wondering why he hates them so much. ;) 

If you'd like me to consider your pet(s) photo for a Tacky Cardigan, just post it to the Facebook page!


  1. If this horrifying story is the week before Howloween, I likely cannot bare next week!!

  2. OMD well funny and clever. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Awww....that's too funny. He doesn't want to be de-furred in that bath!

  4. Too funny! I guess that explains it!

  5. That's pretty funny!

  6. Ah, you've cracked the code. So that's why dogs hate baths so much. :)

  7. Greetings from Finland! I've now read all your earlier posts and I am now starting to follow your updates. I love all your critters! And I'm thinking of getting a Corgi one day :) Dewi and JF are so adorable!

    Have a nice autumn!


    1. Welcome, Lilli in Finland! Thanks for the note!

      My red fluff is part Finnish! His sire (dad) was born in Finland (Kennel Yardican) and later moved to the USA. I hope you do get your corgi one day! I waited 15 years for Jon Farleigh.

    2. I read about JF's dad from your earlier posts ;) and I was quite surprised :D I must say, I just LOVE JF's tail!! It's beautiful! :D



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