Monday, January 27, 2014

Classic Cardigan: When Dewi Made Like Charlie Brown and Crushed on the Little Redheaded Girl (Tabloid Edition)

I'm not too tired to post something original today. It's just that the original I wrote today has to wait until another day (soon). But that's okay, because this humdinger gem of a story is due to come out of hibernation. Especially since the "season of love" is just around the corner. ;-)

Originally published on June 10, 2011, please enjoy the classic (with cheesy, 80s musical interlude)...

When Dewi Met Georgia (A Red Hot Cardigan Love Story)

Quote for the day: If your camera hands you trash for pictures, call "Dwayne."

The following blog post is rated NC-17 (No Corgis over 17 admitted), due to highly ridiculous content. Reader discretion advised.

As reported by "Dwayne"
(Identity changed to protect the doofus.)

For back story, look here or here.

Sam.......................................The Patriarch (and Birthday Boy)
Georgia........................Hot Sister/Precocious Daughter of Sam
Bogey............................Georgia's Overprotective Half-Brother
Jon Farleigh (JF)..................Georgia's Nonchalant Full Brother
Dewi........................Jon Farleigh's Flirtatious, Hot Roommate 
Ginny..................................Endearing Eldest Daughter of Sam
Nick...........................................Adorable Sam Great-Grandson
Rufus............................................Nick's Sweet Old Housemate
At the party, but not on camera...
Moira..................................Super Athletic Sam Granddaughter
Bee..................................Georgia's and JF's Bashful Full Sister

It began as a sea of red (and one blue) at the watering hole...

Jon Farleigh to Rufus (with tail): "You seen any beer around here?"

JF to Georgia (under chair): "Hey, wanna meet my roommate, Dewi?"
Georgia: "Is he cute? Does he have a job?"

Georgia to Dewi: "Hey, I'm Georgia, but you can call me Princess. Wanna come under here with me in the shade?"
Dewi: "Do you like bacon?"

Dewi to Georgia: "Your coat reminds me of sweet potato jerky and a stuffed Kong. Will you be my girl?"
Georgia: "That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. Wanna play tag?"

Georgia to Dewi: "You got me; now I'm 'it!'
Hey! Whatcha doing up there?!"

*We interrupt this blog post for "Cheesy Eighties Love Songs" as selected by "Dwayne."*
(Hint: Right click link and open in a new window to play in background.)

*And now for the exciting conclusion of this blog post.*

Bogey to JF: "Dude, Dad's ticked. You better do something about that blue boy or there's gonna be trouble.
JF: "I think we're gonna have to lock her in the wire tower, man."

Nick: Check out the moves on Dewi...

Sam to Ginny: "I smell trouble in a merle coat. Have you seen Georgia?"
Ginny: "Bogey's on top of it, Dad."

Georgia to Bogey: "Is that coconut cake up there?"
Bogey: "Yeah, and bread, too."

 Georgia to Dewi: "Would you be a dear and fetch me a snack?"

Georgia to Dewi (again): "Hey?! Are you listening? I'd really like a snack, please!"
Dewi to himself: Man, those are some loud mosquitoes. Mmmm, caaaake.

JF to Dewi: "Good day, eh?"
Dewi: "Yeah. You gonna eat all that?"

~The End~

The dogs in this post are real; however, the story is fictional. Any resemblance to your Cardigan Welsh Corgi or real-life events is purely coincidental.

In memory of Sam, a very good red dog, and Rufus.


  1. Looks like love is in the air?????/ Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Such a fun gathering. I loved the pictures and the story. Happy Tuesday!

  3. Oh Dewi I really enjoyed the screenplay!

  4. Hysterical and way too cute. Love Georgia's: "Does he have a job?" question. That's right, Georgia honey! Don't settle for boys who can't pay their own way!


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