Friday, June 3, 2011

For every loss, there are at least three reasons to celebrate (warning: extremely cute puppy photos)

First, I want to say thanks again for all the thoughts and kind words you've been sending my way. I almost didn't post anything about Charlie yesterday, but something told me that I'd be a dumb *ss not to share with the community who at least doesn't think I'm a whack job for going on so about my furry dependants. (I'm fine, by the way, if you think I'm a whack job for other reasons.) :)


Disclaimer (sort of): I have no proof, scientific or otherwise, that there are at least three reasons to celebrate for every loss, as I have not experienced every loss. But, I'd like to believe that there are.  :)

Here is one:

This is my fluffy boy Jon Farleigh at approximately 16 weeks. Yes, he is standing in a pool of ICE, on a steamer of a day last year. Five seconds after I got this shot, he dropped to his belly. It was at that moment that I determined he would probably be fine living on frozen tundra. (Sadly for him, however, I would not.)

Here is a second reason to celebrate:

This is Jon Farleigh's handsome dad, Sam. He turned into a teenager (13) this past Tuesday, May 31. What a ladies' man. :)
Sam's having a proper birthday party/family reunion this coming Sunday and we can't wait to be a part of it! Of course, there will be pictures. :)

And a third reason to celebrate:

(Yes, I know I already used puppy JF. My memory isn't that bad, yet.)

This is The Hubby holding JF who was 10 weeks old.  The Hubby will have a birthday on Sunday, June 5. He will turn the same age as me, and I will rub it in for two months, until I am once again a year closer than him to qualifying for the "Senior Citizen Early Bird Special" at several local dining establishments.

The Hubby loves the critters almost as much as I do. What's that Hubby? Oh sorry, I meant to say that The Hubby is less verbose about them in public forums...and might think I'm a little off... Oh, darn it, I just want to say that without his money support and kindred soft spot for animals, I wouldn't have numbers one and two to celebrate. (And, for that matter, there would be no Dewi, Tigger, Eva or Lulabelle either.)  So, Happy (early) Birthday, Kind/Understanding/Generous Other Half!


I can still think of a bunch of other things to celebrate, but I'll save that for my own private thought party (smile), except for one thing -

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. We are looking forward to seeing you all this weekend too! It's going to be a birthday party/Samily reunion of extravagant proportions. I'm counting nearly a dozen Cardigans in attendance. Happy early birthday to the hubby as well.

    JF's love of ice is hereditary. Dad, Sam, was born in Finland and spent his first winter there. To this day, he loves rolling on snow & ice as well as eating it.

  2. Those are pretty good reasons to celebrate!
    Happy Birthday to the Hubby!
    Sounds like you are going to have a great party!
    Have fun!
    Kisses and hugs

  3. Amen sister! Love that picture of JF in the ice...too hilarious. =}

  4. awww. imagine JF not getting cold feet in all that ice! the critters in your family are definitely good reasons to celebrate and be happy.

    concidentally - my other half is also the same age as me at the moment. and he will be until the end of this month when *sigh* like you, i will be one year closer to the senior citizen card than him! HOWEVER, doesn;t that mean we get things cheaper? :)

  5. i'm so glad i came back to check on you because i see my comment didn't come through :(

    anyway, i hope you're feeling a little better [and your hubby] and that your other critters are keeping you well loved.

    take care. missing your humour xox

  6. oh. entirely bizarre. my original comment just popped up!

  7. I'm very sorry for your loss of Charlie and I've very glad that you're taking comfort in your furry dependants. I hope you all had a wonderful time at Sam's party and reunion - can't wait to see some pics!

    -Chandra at Daley's Dog Years

  8. Hi, everyone who commented. Thank you. ;) I've got some catching up to do (reading my backed-up fave blog list).

    @Georgia's Typist - THANK YOU for wondering about me. :) SORRY I made you wonder about me. (Blogger commenting has been behaving stupidly, no?)
    I'm okay (but still working up to the funny that is bound to come out sometime). Melancholy gets old quickly. Humph.

    Oh, and yes, when I actually do qualify for the Early Bird discount, and He doesn't, I'll be the one celebrating. He thinks it's funny to tease me about my "senior" status. I hope your Other Half is more considerate. ;)

    @Chandra - Thank you. :) My camera did not do the dogs justice, but I'll salvage the best I can. :)

  9. Wonderful post and so many lovely reasons to celebrate. :)


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