Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Chilled Dew Dew

And a lesson in the use of homophones. (smile)

Edited in Picnik using Velvia effect in Advanced > Curves

Edited in  Picnik using Polachrome Yellowed effect in Advanced > Curves

Hope you have (had) some time to chill today!

P.S. I haven't decided to quit replying to your awesome comments; I'm just going through a lazy, post-sick, need a mental and physical vacation phase. Replies will return soon. And, thank you for not writing bad things about me on a public bathroom stall.  ;-)


  1. Dewi sits with a paw on the armchair! how classy =)

  2. I love your dogs even if I don't know them.

  3. and I watch the dancing Cardigan every day to perk me up...

  4. You don't really call him that around the house, do you? I'd hate for poor Dewi to get a complex. Besides, you don't want to give any ideas to those nasty kids when he starts school.

    1. Why, yes, Ms. Pamela, he is affectionately known around here as Dew Dew. :) We have said it so many times that it doesn't even faze the youngest, who relishes blurting out "potty" words.

      If it's any consolation, sometimes he's Dew Baby.


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