Monday, July 21, 2014

That Picture Don't Make a Lick of Sense: Just What Kind of Show Is This?

Hope you didn't think I'd run out of material for this little blog feature (since it's been a little longer than usual since the last one). Because, no.

So, are you ready?! Cool!

Tell me, WHAT IN THE WORLD is going on in this picture*?

* Some of you might remember this one. In fact, some of you gave me the idea for some of the choices you're about to see. So if you do (remember), congratulations! You've been reading longer than my kid has been able to ride a bike! (Not really, but it's close.) THANK YOU! ☺

A. The old man in orange is getting a cheap thrill. 
B. The poodle is getting a cheap thrill.
C. The older lady is horrified because she knows the old man is getting a cheap thrill. 
D. The older lady's Pomeranian is reciting "Old MacDonald" in his head, while plotting how he's gonna get the treat out of my hand. 
E. I'm trying to get Jon Farleigh to lie down for a treat, because we're contestants in a "best trick" dog contest at the local fall festival. 
F. A., B. and C.

Leave your guess in the comments or on the Facebook page! Thank you!


As for the previous installment...

E. They're cheap Statue of Liberty hats from Target; they were posing for patriotic holiday shoots; and I had no idea how to put them on correctly. You'd think for $1, they could print some directions on the price stickers!

Ta da!

Totally worth the $1, by the way.

'Til next time! ☺


  1. BOL we go for F. Well funny. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Mom loves the $1 section at Target and the Dollar Store for that matter. My sisters and I suffer from her liking of such places ;) but we oblige her because we do love her and after all, she has the key to the food.

  3. We'd like to say A, B and C...but we know the answer is E. Now lay down Jon Farleigh!

  4. (Jackie, your comment went "POOF," and I don't know why! :( So I copied this right out of the email from Blogger.)

    Jackie Bouchard has left a new comment on your post "That Picture Don't Make a Lick of Sense: Just What...":

    I wanna answer A, B, C, and E, but that doesn't seem to be an option. Oh well - going to be rebelous and go with that anyway!

    Your Target must have way better dog-blogging stuff in the dollar bin than mine does. I never find anything good in there! (At least not for the dog... Which probably makes her very happy!)

    1. And. my reply to Jackie: Ah, but none of the cheap holiday accessories I get them from Target are marketed for pets. :) It's all for humans. Good thing Cardis have big block heads! ;) So, next time you're in the Dollar Spot, look for the tacky HUMAN stuff (both for adults and little kids). :))

      Also, I love a rebel!


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